Lebanon, PA
We have rented a Lodge in Lebanon, PA where we will hang out, play games, have an X box tournament, play paintball and more! All meals are provided, all you need to bring is your clothes, a sleeping back and a pillow (as well your favorite X-Box games and snacks). RSVP Here.
Lebanon, PA
Northern Virginia
Our rafting trip was such a success, we are following it up with a 2 night, 3 day back packing trip in the Shenandoah! Each day will include 4-5 miles of hiking to an epic campsite (waterfalls, views, etc). Gear can be provided for all that need it. Reach out to us if you have any questions. RSVP Here
Northern Virginia
Central Penn Sporting Clays, Wellsville PA
We will be joining in on the fundraiser for House on the Rock Family Ministries by taking part in a 3 hour Sporting Clays tournament! No experience necessary, new shooters welcome! Shotguns, shells, ear/eye protection, clay birds as well as breakfast will be provided! for more information, check out the event page here
Central Penn Sporting Clays, Wellsville PA
440 Stone Jug Road, Biglerville PA, 17307
Campfires are great opportunities to just hang out with friends, share stories and bond. We try to have these gatherings frequently and typically mix it in with some juicy stuff we can learn from. There is always food too! Please check with us before showing up as these events are cancelled if leaders are busy or attendance is going to be low.
440 Stone Jug Road, Biglerville PA, 17307
We typically pick a stretch of road or trail and lend our services to pick up trash, repair damage, etc. Its a great way to show others that we care about the natural beauty that God has given us to enjoy. Plus, serving others ALWAYS makes you feel better about yourself!
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